Snowflake n.4 13-Feb-2017 Alexey Kljatov via Compfight

CHRISTMAS- CHRISTMAS is my favorite holiday because it is JESUS`S birthday. People celebrate CHRISTMAS allover the world. Our tradition on CHRISTMAS is on CHRISTMAS break we hang around the house , and have fun. Then on CHRISTMAS my sister Meagan and me get up cover our eyes then go to my mom and dads room then start jumping on the bed ,and wake them up. So we go to the living room and sing happy birthday to JESUS, and open presents. For more information on Christmas go to

EASTER-Easter is probably my 2nd favorite holiday. EASTER is the day that JESUS concered death and rose from the grave! He took our sins that Friday so we could spend eternal life in Heavan. Our tradition on EASTER is Meagan and me wake up then go to the kitchen and get our EASTER baskets and dig in. Easter

THANKSGIVING-THANKSGIVING Is my third favorite holiday. It is a holiday when you are thankful for lots of stuff you have and will have. My family and I go to my grandparents houses and have all kinds of  delicous food.